Exhibition “The Ancient Treasures of Bulgaria”

Exhibition “The Ancient Treasures of Bulgaria”

The exhibition “The Ancient Treasures of Bulgaria” is prepared by a team of the Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences under the National Scholarly Program “Development of Bulgarian Studies Abroad”. The exhibition includes a total of 26 posters (70x100 cm). They show photographs of artistically crafted gold and silver objects of exceptional historical value – precious vessels, jewelry, weapons and other...

The Exhibition "The Light of Letters" is presented in Vancouver, British Colombia

 The Exhibition "The Light of Letters" is presented in Vancouver, British Colombia

  The first of its kind exhibition in the province of British Colombia, which tells of the glorious history of the Bulgarian alphabet - "The Light of the Letters", successfully took place in Vancouver on the Day of Independence of the Republic of Bulgaria - September 22. The exhibition was organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Toronto with the assistance of the Embassy and the Bulgarian-Canadian Society in British Colombia. 13 works dedicated to the Bulgarian...

The Mobile Exhibition “The Light of the Letters” will be Presented in Vancouver, British Columbia

The Mobile Exhibition “The Light of the Letters” will be Presented in Vancouver, British Columbia

  The Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Toronto organizes the presentation of the exhibition "The Light of the Letters" in Vancouver, British Columbia province on September 22, 2022. The date was chosen because of the celebrations on the occasion of the Bulgarian Independence Day, which will be celebrated together with the Bulgarian community and the Canadian authorities in Vancouver. The exhibition, which was created on the initiative of the State Institute for Culture...