Откриване на изложба „Силата на гражданското общество. Съдбата на евреите в България, 1940 – 1944 г.” в Синсинати

Откриване на изложба „Силата на гражданското общество. Съдбата на евреите в България, 1940 – 1944 г.” в Синсинати

На 06 март 2018 г. в университета „Ксейвиър” (Xavier University) в Синсинати, Охайо посланикът на България в САЩ Тихомир Стойчев откри изложба „Силата на гражданското общество. Съдбата на евреите в България, 1940 – 1944 г.” На церемонията по откриването присъства и генералният консул на България в Чикаго Иван Анчев, представители на Асоциацията на българите в Синсинати, както и членове на академичната общност на университета. В своята реч посланик Стойчев разказа...

Българско участие в Дните на франкофонията в Хавана, Куба


Тази година в рамките на Дните на Франкофонията в Хавана българското посолство, със съдействието на Държавния културен институт, представи филма „Георги и пеперудите“. Той беше излъчен на 11 март в емблематичния киносалон „23-та и 12-та“, в който се представят световноизвестни ленти, носители на международни отличия. Пълният салон аплодира лентата, като зрителите споделиха възхищението си от майсторската работа на екипа, реализирал продукцията и радостта си от...

Представяне на албума „Цветовете на православието: България“ в посолството на Р. България във Варшава

Представяне на албума „Цветовете на православието: България“ в   посолството на Р. България във Варшава

   На 16 февруари 2018 г., в посолството на Р. България във Варшава се състоя официалното представяне на албума „Цветовете на православието: България“ – луксозно издание на варшавската православна митрополия, посветено на историята, културното наследство и настоящето на православното християнство в България. Почетен гост на събитието бе варшавският митрополит Сава, глава на православната църква в Полша. Сред гостите бяха посланиците на Хърватия, Молдова, Кипър,...



ЗА ПРОЕКТАПриложна носталгия е проект за организиране на серия от съвместни експозиции на двама фотографи – един от Република Сърбия и един от страната, която председателства Съвета на ЕС – в случая от Р България. Ще бъде осигурена възможност един сръбски фотограф да посети за 5-7 дни и снима  в София места, хора и събития, които му напомнят за Белград. От друга страна, автор от България ще посети Белград в ролята на „носталгичен фотограф“, който да открие сходни...

Days of Bulgarian Cinema in Belgrade from December 15 to 17 2017

Days of Bulgarian Cinema in Belgrade from December 15 to 17 2017

The Days of Bulgarian Cinema were held in Belgrade from December 15 to 17. This year's theme was "Women Directors in Bulgarian Theatre Cinema". The screenings took place at the Dom Omladine cultural centre, one of the most visited places in the Serbian capital.At the official opening on December 16, the film "The Prosecutor, Defender, the Father and his Son" was presented by director Iglika Trifonova, who personally greeted the audience at the Dom Omladine cinema hall. Ms...

Presentation of the exhibition

Presentation of the exhibition

The travelling exhibition "St. Kliment Ohridski - student and teacher" dedicated to celebrating the 1100th anniversary of the Assumption of St. Kliment Ohridski was presented on December 7 and 8 at the University of Lodz.The exhibition was part of the annual conference on "Bulgaria and Bulgarian Studies in the Changing World", organised by the Bulgarian Embassy in Warsaw and the Department of Slavic Studies at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz.The forum was opened by...

Presentation of the exhibition 'Orthodox' in Lisbon

Presentation of the exhibition 'Orthodox' in Lisbon

The State Institute for Culture's exhibition "Orthodox" was presented in Lisbon at an event with which the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Portuguese capital is marking the 10th anniversary of Bulgaria's accession to the EU.The event took place on the theme "Bulgaria and Portugal Partners in Europe - 10 Years of Bulgaria's Accession to the European Union" and took place in the ceremonial hall of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon.Speeches to...

Presentation of the 'Gutenberg and the Slavonic World' Exhibition at Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Presentation of the 'Gutenberg and the Slavonic World' Exhibition at Ca' Foscari  University of Venice

The exhibition "Gutenberg and the Slavonic World" was presented at the BALI library of the Ca' Bernardo Department of Linguistics and Humanities at the prestigious Ca' Foscari University of Venic on December 2 2017. The exhibition is part of the State Institute for Culture's "Travelling Exhibitions" project.The event took place under the patronage of the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Milan.Guests were given welcome greetings by the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria in...

Bulgarian participation in European Film Week 2017 in Iran

Bulgarian participation in European Film Week 2017 in Iran

Two editions of European Film Week 2017 were held in the Islamic Republic of Iran in November.The first was in the capital Tehran from October 31 to November 4 and the second in Tabriz from November 20 to 24 2017. The events were organized by the cluster of the network of European cultural institutes and EUNIC services in Iran, of which the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Tehran is also a member.The Bulgarian film "Getting Fat in a Healthy Way" by director Kevork Aslanjan was...

Bulgaria - special guest at the International Cinema Festival MUCES 2017, Segovia

Bulgaria - special guest at the International Cinema Festival MUCES 2017, Segovia

Bulgaria was a special guest at the 12th European Cinema Festival MUCES 2017 held in Segovia in Spain from November 15 to 21 2017.The festival is organised by the municipality and is not of a competitive nature, but is aimed at presenting the achievements of the new European cinema.The vocal trio "Triada" took part in the opening programme of the festival, presenting Bulgarian folk song in a capela form. The trio - Valia Petrova, Boryanka Dimitrova and Elena Alexieva - was formed in...

Official opening of the exhibition by Stanislav Pamukchiev at the Hugo Voeten Centre for the Arts, Kingdom of Belgium

Official opening of the exhibition by Stanislav Pamukchiev at the Hugo Voeten Centre for the Arts, Kingdom of Belgium

The Hugo Voeten Arts Centre in Hetrentals, Belgium, presented  an exhibition by Bulgarian artist Stanislav Pamukchiev at an official ceremony on September 30 2017. The exhibition "The Return" was held with the support of the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The Hugo Voeten Art Centre, founded by the late Belgian patron and collector, has one of the richest permanent exhibitions of works by Bulgarian artists. Part of this valuable collection of...

Presentation of the State Institute for Culture's Sboryanovo exhibition in Athens

Presentation of the State Institute for Culture's Sboryanovo exhibition in Athens

The exhibition "Sboryanovo - Nature and Monuments, Gods and Men" was opened at the Melina Cultural Centre in Athens on September 19. The exhibition was prepared by Professor Dr Diana Gergova and the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Athens in co-operation with the Athens Municipality's Culture, Sport and Youth Organisation.The exhibition aims at presenting to the international community one of...

Petrykivka Painting exhibition presented at the Mission Gallery

Petrykivka Painting exhibition presented at the Mission Gallery

The exhibition "Petrykivka Painting" by artists Valentina Panko, Anastasiya and Roksolana Chudnivets was opened at the State Institute for Culture's Mission Gallery on September 20. The event was organised jointly with the Embassy of Ukraine in Bulgaria on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the independence of that country.The exhibition presents the typical decorative and ornamental art, which was formed at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century in the Dnipropetrov...

Изложбата „Завръщане“ на Станислав Памукчиев в Арт-Център „Юго Вутен”

Изложбата „Завръщане“ на Станислав Памукчиев в Арт-Център „Юго Вутен”

От 28 септември до 1 ноември 2017 г. в Арт-Център „Юго Вутен” в град Херенталс – Белгия, ще бъде представена изложбата „Завръщане“ на Станислав Памукчиев. Изложбата се осъществява с подкрепата на Държавен културен институт към министъра на външните работи като част от културните презентации, посветени на Българското председателство на Съвета на ЕС. Експозицията представлява цикъл картини и работните рисунки към тях, чрез които авторът разкрива пред публика...

13th World Festival of Animated Film Varna

13th World Festival of Animated Film Varna

The 13th World Festival of Animated Film will be held from September 13 to 17 at the Festival and Congress Centre Varna.The competition programme includes a total of 132 films from 35 countries, including the latest and most topical animated films. The "Best of the World" showings include 24 titles from more than 15 countries.In the full-length feature programme six films will premiere, including two by Bulgarian creators, and two for children, specially dubbed into Bulgarian, and two for...