Европейски дни на наследството

Европейски дни на наследството

На 17 септември Държавният културен институт ще отбележи Европейските дни на наследството като част от Деня на отворените врати в МВнР. От 14:30 до 15:30 ч посетителите ще могат да се включат в разходка из Скулптурния парк и да разгледат част произведенията от Художествения фонд на МВнР. Министерството на външните работи ще се бъде отворено за посетители от 10:00 до 16:00 ч. Програмата можете да видите в приложението.    Европейските дни на наследството е съвместна инициатива на...

Представяне на изложбата „Силата на гражданското общество“ във Франкфурт

Представяне на изложбата „Силата на гражданското общество“ във Франкфурт

На 4 септември 2017 г. в Кметството на гр. Франкфурт беше открита изложбата „Силата на гражданското общество, Съдбата на евреите в България“. Събитието се проведе под патронажа на Главния управляващ кмет на града г-н Петер Фелдман, а нейни организатори са Представителството на чужденците в Общината на града и Консулството на Република България. Експозицията е част от проекта „Непознатите герои. Силата на гражданското общество: Съдбата на евреите в България – Спасителите...

Presentation of the 'Roofs of Sofia' exhibition in Skopje

Presentation of the 'Roofs of Sofia' exhibition in Skopje

The exhibition "Roofs of Sofia" opened at the Cultural and Information Centre in Skopje on August 9 2017.The exhibition is presented by the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is part of the Institute's "Travelling Exhibitions" programme.Ms. Svetlana Slavova, director of CIC-Skopje, opened the exhibition in the presence of Ambassador Ivan Petkov. The event was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps, the Bulgarian community,...

Meeting of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance in Geneva

Meeting of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance in Geneva

On June 29 2017, the First International Meeting of the Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) during the Swiss Presidency came to a successful conclusion.Over four days, more than 200 experts and politicians from 31 IHRA member countries, 11 observer countries including Bulgaria and seven international partner organisations discussed education, commemoration and research on the Holocaust as a contemporary political issue.At the Geneva meeting from June 26 to 29 2017, delegates focused on...



6-тиятстудентски форум на АСЕФ ще се проведе в периода 9-12 октомври 2017 г. в Сингапур. Темата на тазгодишното издание е „Бъдещите университети и дипломираните: качествено образование отвъд хоризонта“, като фокусът ще бъде насочен към изследване на нуждите, изискванията и очакванията на висшите учебни заведения и на студентите, които ще се обучават там. В рамките на основната тема, участниците във форума ще имат възможност да обсъдят част от съвременните предизвикателства пред...

Thirteen Asian Embassies Present Asian Culture on July 2

Thirteen Asian Embassies Present Asian Culture on July 2

"Asia Up Close" brings together the Asian countries for the first time in Sofia.  A Festival of Asian Culture will be held for the first time on July 2 at the summer stage in Borissova Gradina in Sofia.Third countries represented in Bulgaria will present their traditions to Bulgarian audiences. Visitors will be able to experience typical Asian culture, with dances, music, art, cuisine, nature and traditions. Those who wish will have the opportunity to engage in more than 30...

Exhibition 'Molière without borders' in Skopje

Exhibition 'Molière without borders' in Skopje

The exhibition "Molière without Borders" opened in the Chifte Hammam Hall of the National Gallery of the Republic of Macedonia on June 16 2017.The exhibition is part of the "Travelling Exhibitions" project of the State Institute for Culture at the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was held in co-operation with the Embassy in Skopje and the National Gallery of Macedonia.The Director of the State Institute for Culture, Mrs. Lyudmila Dimitrova, visited Skopje for the opening of the...

Discussion on 'Cultural Messages of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU'

Discussion on 'Cultural Messages of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU'

A discussion on the topic "Cultural Messages of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU" was held at the Mission Gallery of the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the participation of representatives of the diplomatic corps in Sofia.The event was opened by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Georg Georgiev and the Director of the State Institute for Culture, Mrs. Lyudmila Dimitrova."The tasks of culture as a tool of diplomacy go...

Alphapretation Bulgaria at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Brussels

Alphapretation Bulgaria at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Brussels

The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Brussels held a reception on the occasion of May 24, the Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and the Slavonic Script. Ambassador Maya Dobreva, addressing the the guests, emphasised that the day was a reason for national pride. She highlighted the Cyrillic contribution to the diversity of European culture and civilisation and its importance as part of the Bulgarian identity and the Bulgarian cultural heritage preserved over the centuries by the...

Presentation of the children's musical 'Salesman of hope' in Bosilegrad

Presentation of the children's musical 'Salesman of hope' in Bosilegrad

Two performances of "Salesman of Hope', based on a text by Gianni Rodari, were presented in the Cultural Centre in the city of Bosilegrad.With music by Petar Stupel and a contemporary arrangement by composer Yuri Stupel, the performance was given by 20 students from the Georgi Dimitrov primary school in Bosilegrad, their music teacher Goran Mlandev and Bulgarian musicians and actors Hagashod Agassian, Yuri Stupel, Ivaylo Zahariev, Ivaylo Kaloyanchev and Veselin Tsanev.The project is part...

European Night of Museums at the Mission Gallery

European Night of Museums at the Mission Gallery

The latest European Night of the Museums was held on May 20, in which the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has participated actively for 11 years, drawing strong interest from the Sofia public.At the Mission Gallery this year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Institute for Culture presented the exhibition "Ancient Messages", part of a large-scale project by the organisers of Sofia Paper Art Fest 2017 (Save the Nature with Art) and the founders of the...

Presentation of the exhibition "St. Kliment Ohridski - pupil and teacher "in Poland

Presentation of the exhibition "St. Kliment Ohridski - pupil and teacher "in Poland

On May 12 2017, Ambassador Emil Yalnazov opened the traveling exhibition of "St. Kliment Ohridski - student and teacher" dedicated to celebrating the 1100th anniversary of the Assumption of Sts. Kliment Ohridski.The exhibition was part of the 13th International Scientific Conference of the Cyril and Methodius Cycle in Slavonic Alphabet and Culture, which took place at the Institute for Orthodox Culture in Lublin, Poland.In his address to the participants and the guests at the...

International Jazz Day

International Jazz Day

International Jazz Day was celebrated in Bulgaria for the first time on April 30 2017.Thanks to the initiative of UNESCO and its Director-General Mrs. Irina Bokova, at the end of 2011, UNESCO designated April 30 as the International Jazz Day. This decision was also endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in late 2012, and thus April 30 is becoming one of the most important days in the cultural calendars of both organisations.Traditionally, International Jazz Day takes place under the...

Представяне на изложбата „Силата на гражданското общество“ в Сеговия, Испания

Представяне на изложбата „Силата на гражданското общество“ в Сеговия, Испания

Документалната изложба „Силата на гражданското общество: Съдбата на евреите в България, 1940-1944 г.” бе открита на 3 април от посланика на Република България в Испания Иван Кондов и кмета на град Сеговия Клара Лукеро. Събитието се състоя в еврейския център Centro Didáctico de la Judería, намиращ се в историческата част на града, която от 1985 г. е под закрилата на ЮНЕСКО от 1985 г. и е сред най-посещаваните туристически обекти. В обръщението си към гостите посланик...

Cultural Programme of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU with a Bulgarian link

Cultural Programme of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU with a Bulgarian link

The current Maltese Presidency of the Council of EU has shown interest in organising and holding joint cultural events in Malta and Bulgaria. A special focus in all the cultural events is the participation of young people and raising their awareness.On March 31, the newly opened Bulgarian Sunday School in Malta had, for the first time, a video link with a school in Bulgaria, putting the children from Malta in touch with pupils and teachers from the 61st School in Sofia. Both schools are named...

Poster Exhibition 'Molière without Borders'

Poster Exhibition 'Molière without Borders'

The international poster exhibition "Molière Without Borders" will be presented by the State Institute for Culture in partnership with the International Triennial of the Stage Poster Sofia on March 30 at 6pm at the Mission Gallery. A selection of about 30 posters will be exhibited in the gallery on the occasion of International Theatre Day and the International Month of Francophonie. In 2017, the 395th anniversary of the birth of French playwright Jean-Baptiste...