Main part of the program "Public diplomacy" is a project "Traveling exhibitions" intended as an instrument for promoting the Art collection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and developing of a different kind of particular exhibitions presenting the Bulgarian culture, history and contemporary art.
"Traveling exhibitions" is implemented jointly with the missions abroad. The program relies on coordination between Cultural Institute and missions which allows projects to be carried out in adequate communication with local partners and to multiply the effect of the presentation . In 2012 the world have organized 28 exposures of 12 projects from the portfolio of the Institute. In 2013, over 50 presentations - mainly related to the celebration of important events such as the Great Moravian mission of Saints Cyril and Methodius and the 70th anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust.
The full collection originally was named “Bulgarian lands from antiquity to the present day, with atlases, maps, prints and books from the collection of Dr. Simeon Simov”. The collection was gathered by Dr. Simeon Simov over several decades. The work of Dr Simov, priceless for its artistic and historic value, became available to Bulgarian citizens for the first time in 1978 when 30 maps, given to Bulgaria by this Bulgarian who was resident in the West, arrived at the Kiril i...
18/06/2009"Stratae" Exposition of 19 Bulgarian artists in the premises of the Permanent Representation of Bulgaria to the EU in Brussels In the few months to come the new building of the Bulgarian Permanent Representation will house the works of 19 authors selected by Artamontsev Gallery. Over 50 works presenting extremely varied styles, graphic and painting techniques, topics and story lines are going to welcome the numerous visitors and employees in the building. The...
Фотоизложбата „Българските градове – древност, която живее” включва фотографии, представящи културно-историческото наследство и съвременния облик на редица български градове, сред които: Плевен, Варна, Каварна, Видин, Ловеч, Пловдив, Русе, Силистра, Казанлък, София, Велико Търново, Самоков, Елена, Стара Загора, Троян, Благоевград.През уловените във фотоси архитектурни пейзажи - изложбата пресъздава съжителството на различни епохи в българските градове в състояние на културен...