The full collection originally was named “Bulgarian lands from antiquity to the present day, with atlases, maps, prints and books from the collection of Dr. Simeon Simov”. The collection was gathered by Dr. Simeon Simov over several decades. The work of Dr Simov, priceless for its artistic and historic value, became available to Bulgarian citizens for the first time in 1978 when 30 maps, given to Bulgaria by this Bulgarian who was resident in the West, arrived at the Kiril i Metodii National Library from West Germany. This was the first mention of the name of doctor of medicine Simeon Simov from Hamburg.
Over time, the collection of maps grew as Dr Simov began to add atlases, prints and drawings. Subsequently, an exhibition was held, presenting written art preserved in Western Europe and testifying to the historical destiny of Bulgaria.
Twenty years after it was first shown, the collection became Bulgarian property and was stored in the General Department of the Archives. Dr. Simov’s collection has exceptional value and great importance, including confirmation of the European identity of Bulgarians. It is a wonderful opportunity to remind our contemporaries of the past of the land in which they live and in which many European scholars have developed an interest.
Chronological parameters
The collection covers events from the early fourth to the late 19th century.
This unique archive of European maps, books, prints and drawings gives an idea of the development of European cartography and typography over about 300 years.
The atlases, maps and books in the collection are the work of famous European dynasties of cartographers, publishers and engravers. The cartographic heritage of families such as Hohmann, Sanson or Henrik Hondius, Della Tour, Tobias Conrad Lotter and hundreds of European artists, including the shining names of Sebastian Munster and Gerard Mercator, speak of the interest among European countries in the Bulgarian lands.
Dr. Simeon Simov was born in Pernik. He studied at the First Trade and Sixth Male High School in Sofia. In 1957 he graduated in medicine in Sofia. His journey began as a doctor in Sofia, but not long afterward, he left the country and for more than 50 years lived in France, Germany and now in Italy. However, Dr. Simov never completely cut himself off from our country. At the beginning of the 1960s, his love for Bulgaria turned into a passion for collectibles: "Now farewell to the last thing I had in my life - books! One by one, I remove them and I know where some were bought, and where for the first time I’ve opened them. Often I did not look at the price, but I thought: for Bulgaria! New and old, shabby and shiny , they were all for me real riches. Each atlas, which had at least one map of our country, delighted my eyes.”

Preface by the Chief of the Department of Archives to the catalogue of the entire collection of Dr. Simov. The exhibition was commissioned by the State Institute of Culture and was compiled by the General Department of Archives.