The Еxhibition “Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans” Opened in Kyustendil

The Еxhibition “Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans” Opened in Kyustendil

At the beginning of the second day of the Sixteenth World Meeting of the Bulgarian media in Kyustendil, the exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" was opened. The media meeting continues symbolically from the Rila Monastery, said at the opening General Director of BTA Kiril Valchev, pointing out the most valuable icon in the Rila Monastery - the miraculous icon "The Virgin Mary Odigitria". "The whole exhibition comes to show us what the Balkans are most connected with,...

The Renovated Mission Gallery Opened Its Doors With a Documentary Exhibition of Miraculous Icons from the Balkans

The Renovated Mission Gallery Opened Its Doors With a Documentary Exhibition of Miraculous Icons from the Balkans

  The official opening of the renovated Mission Gallery at the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs took place on August 13 (Friday) at 11 a.m. with the phototype exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans". It was realized by the Center for Slavic-Byzantine Studies "Prof. Ivan Duychev” at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”and will remain in the gallery until September 13.  The festive event was attended by...