The Еxhibition “Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans” Opened in Kyustendil


At the beginning of the second day of the Sixteenth World Meeting of the Bulgarian media in Kyustendil, the exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" was opened.

The media meeting continues symbolically from the Rila Monastery, said at the opening General Director of BTA Kiril Valchev, pointing out the most valuable icon in the Rila Monastery - the miraculous icon "The Virgin Mary Odigitria". "The whole exhibition comes to show us what the Balkans are most connected with, and that is the faith in the miracle", Valchev said

The exhibition presents a new visual project on which the State Institute for Culture at the Minister of Foreign Affairs jointly with a team of researchers medievalists from the Slavic-Byzantine Center Prof. Ivan Duychev at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", said at the opening director of Snejana Yoveva-Dimitrova. The presentation of the exhibition is part of the program at the sixteenth world meeting of the Bulgarian media and Yoveva expressed gratitude to the BTA and the Director General of the Agency for the partnership.

The exhibition was opened at the "unfinished part" of the Art Gallery "Vladimir Dimitrov - the Master" in Kyustendil. The place has large spaces and exclusive exposure plans, the Gallery Director Valentin Gospodinov said.

The World Meeting of the Bulgarian Media is held in partnership with the Rila Monastery, Kyustendil Municipality, National Endowment Fund "13 Centuries Bulgaria", State Institute for Culture at the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chitalishte "Sveti Kliment Ohridski", Association Voice - Bosilegrad, Bulgaria Air, Association for Modern Trade, Postbank, EasyPay.