The Exhibition "Diplomacy Through the Hearts of two Peoples. 110 Years of Diplomatic Relations Between Bulgaria and Spain” Visits the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


In October 2021 at the exhibition space on the 7th floor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be presented the documentary exhibition "Diplomacy Through the Hearts of Two Peoples. 110 Years of Diplomatic Relations Between Bulgaria and Spain ” - the result of the cooperation between the State Archives Agency and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Bulgaria.

On the occasion of the upcoming National Holiday of Spain on October 12, H.E. Alejandro Polanko - Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the Republic of Bulgaria today visited and presented the exhibition to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Zaritsa Dinkova, Deputy Minister Vasiliy Takev, Director of the State Institute for Culture Snezhana Yoveva-Dimitrova, Director of the Diplomatic Institute Tanya Mihaylova and other diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The documentary exhibition covers the history from the opening of the respective diplomatic legations and honorary consulates, the signing of trade and economic agreements between the countries to official visits and political and diplomatic contacts. Important points that led to lasting current relations are included, which to date are based on mutual belonging to the European institutions.

The exhibition shows how social, human, cultural and emotional ties date back to before the official establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. We see how the literature, language and other artistic activities of writers, historians, translators, journalists, artists, teachers - Bulgarian and Spanish - have served as a conduit for the mutual interest in the history and culture of the two countries.

Shown for the first time in the exhibition hall of the State Archives Agency in Sofia, in November 2020, the exhibition traveled in 2021 to Veliko Tarnovo (March), Plovdiv (April), Varna (June), Burgas (July). .

The initiative is implemented by the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and aims to activate the representative space on the 7th floor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by visiting mobile (poster or photographic) exhibitions from diplomatic missions, cultural institutes and regional museums, galleries. The visit to the exhibition will take place after pre-registration on tel. 02 903 0641, due to the need to comply with anti-epidemic measures.