The Exhibition "Diplomacy Through the Hearts of two Peoples. 110 Years of Diplomatic Relations Between Bulgaria and Spain” Visits the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Exhibition "Diplomacy Through the Hearts of two Peoples. 110 Years of Diplomatic Relations Between Bulgaria and Spain” Visits the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In October 2021 at the exhibition space on the 7th floor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be presented the documentary exhibition "Diplomacy Through the Hearts of Two Peoples. 110 Years of Diplomatic Relations Between Bulgaria and Spain ” - the result of the cooperation between the State Archives Agency and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Bulgaria. On the occasion of the upcoming National Holiday of Spain on October 12, H.E. Alejandro Polanko - Ambassador of the Kingdom...

Exhibition "Diplomacy Through The Hearts Of Two Peoples. 110 Years Of Diplomatic Relations Between Bulgaria And Spain"

Exhibition "Diplomacy Through The Hearts Of Two Peoples. 110 Years Of Diplomatic Relations Between Bulgaria And Spain"

From 4 to 29 October 2021 in the representative space on the 7th floor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be shown the exhibition "Diplomacy Through The Hearts Of Two Peoples. 110 Years Of Diplomatic Relations Between Bulgaria And Spain”, the result of the excellent cooperation between the State Archives Agency and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Bulgaria. Shown for the first time in the exhibition hall of the State Archives Agency in Sofia, in November 2020, the exhibition...