What is written remains

What is written remains

Prayer book. Vienna, 1883 State Agency Archives 

Mahazor – prayer book (mahazor, מַחֲזוֹר) - a collection of prayers, chants and rules for the liturgies of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Pesach, Shavu'ot, Sukkot. 

"The Jewish people, called by Muhammad the people of the Book rightly deserved that name. The first book written a year after the Liberation of Bulgaria was History of the Jews in Karnobat by Joseph Benray, printed in Constantinople in Spanish-Jewish. The first newspaper of the Bulgarian Jews was Thessalonica, the commercial-industrial advertising periodical of the merchants of Thessalonica, published in two languages from 1869-1874. The first book by a Jewish author, printed in 1887 in Bulgarian, was The Talmud and its teaching by Rabbi Moshe Tajer."

From The Jewish Book and Press in Bulgaria. Article by Richard Simantov. Sofia, 5 April 1936

Jewish newspapers and magazines occupied a significant place in the Bulgarian periodical press from 1844 to 1944. In 1895, El Trezoro was printed for the first time in Ruse, marking the start of Jewish periodical printing in Bulgaria. Jewish printers were founded in Sofia and Plovdiv, and the number of published newspapers, written in Ladino and Hebrew, reached 56 by 1944. The printing of Human Rights from 1899 in Plovdiv marked the beginning of Jewish periodicals being published in Bulgarian. By 1944, 90 Jewish newspapers and magazines written in Bulgarian were published in Bulgaria; 14 single sheets and 2 periodicals from the irregular press.