The Mission Gallery News

The Photo Exhibition "Bulgaria And Japan - Politics, Diplomacy, Personalities And Events" Visits The Ministry Of The Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria



The photo exhibition “Bulgaria and Japan. Politics, Diplomacy, Personalities and Events” will be exhibited in the representative space on the 7th floor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs between November 1 and December 31, 2021. The exhibition is based on the book of the same name published in May 2019 and is dedicated to the triple anniversary of relations between the two countries, marked in 2019, namely - 110 years since the beginning of official contacts (1909), 80 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations (1939) and 60 years since the restoration of the interrupted at the end of World War II diplomatic relations (1959). The authors of the project are Vera Vutova - Stefanova and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evgeniy Kandilarov.

The aim of the exhibition is to visually reflect the history of relations between Bulgaria and Japan, which spans more than a century and covers three socio-political systems in Bulgaria and four eras related to the rule of the emperors of Japan. Facsimiles of archival documents and numerous photos from the state and diplomatic archives of Bulgaria and Japan, the Regional Military History Museum in Pleven and other official, academic, media sources and personal photo archives from both countries are on display. Accompanied by brief explanations by the authors, the photographic and documentary material sheds light on the relations at state, governmental, business and civil level and illustrates in chronological and thematic order the different stages of their development against the background of changing historical realities from the end of the XIX century until recent years. Along with facts and events, the exhibition presents individuals with a significant role and contribution in laying the foundations and building ties, exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. 

So far, the exhibition has been exhibited at the Mission Gallery at the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria and at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", where it has aroused great interest among professionals and citizens. It is part of the program of the Days of Japanese Culture in Bulgaria, 2021.

The visit to the exhibition will take place after pre-registration on tel. 02 903 0641 in compliance with the current anti-epidemiological measures.

With the support of: Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Bulgaria; State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria;

Computer design, layout and printing: Vasil Indzhev, Obelisk Design EOOD