The „1 Avenue Rap” exhibition on display in Plovdiv


“1, Avenue Rapp, 75007 Paris, France” is the title of the exhibition of selected works from the collection of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Paris that was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivaylo Kalfin on 13 April 2007 at the Art gallery of Plovdiv. The event is part of the programme “Discussion forum “From the Treaties of Rome to the future of the enlarged European Union – constitution, civil participation, identities” which is held in Plovdiv.  . <!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } H3 { margin-top: 0.49cm; margin-bottom: 0.49cm; page-break-after: auto } H3.western { font-family: "Times New Roman", serif; font-size: 13pt } H3.cjk { font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode"; font-size: 13pt } H3.ctl { font-family: "Tahoma"; font-size: 13pt } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> 29/08/2007

The exhibition is presented by the Institute for Culture and includes a part of the rich collection of the Bulgarian Embassy in Paris. Paintings and graphics by more than 20 Bulgarian artists were returned temporary in Bulgaria for thorough restoration. After several similar exhibitions in other Bulgarian cities, they will be re-displayed in the coquette 19th century building on 1 Avenue Rapp.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by the Head of Delegation of the European Commission to Bulgaria Michael Humphreys, the mayor of Plovdiv Dr. Ivan Chomakov, diplomats and artists.

In Plovdiv the exhibition will be available to the public till the end of April.