The Forte String Quartet in London


On 19 November 2010, at St. James’s Piccadilly in London, the Forte String Quartet performed a concert with the special participation of pianist Sarkis Zakarian. The concert is part of the programme of the London Festival of Bulgarian Culture.


The ensemble performed String Quartet 1 by young composer Martin Georgiev, which was composed specially for the London Festival and was performed for the first time before British audience. Georgiev’s String Quartet 1 is constructed upon specific features of Bulgarian folk motifs and Bulgarian-Orthodox Chant. Its premiere was met with interest and excitement.


On 20 November 2010, musician Kalin Ivanov had a master class for violoncello in the framework of the London Festival of Bulgarian Culture. The young talented performers who participated in the master class performed works by Bulgarian composers, and improved their technique in violoncello.