Celebration of the National Day of the Republic of Bulgaria in Denmark



The National Day of the Republic of Bulgaria was celebrated in Copenhagen with a classical concert with the participation of the Bulgarian musicians Joanna Kamenarska (violin) and Nadia Dimitrov (piano). The event took place on 02 March 2023 in the concert hall of the Italian Cultural Institute. The celebration was honored by over 100 official guests, including representatives of the Danish Foreign Ministry, the diplomatic corps and Bulgarian educational and cultural organizations in the country.

In his speech, Ambassador Stoev welcomed the guests and invited them to hang the specially prepared martenitsa as a symbol of spring and the hope for peace and prosperity.

The two musicians, living and working in Germany, performed compositions by Pancho Vladigerov, Krum Tabakov and Petar Hristoskov and through their talent and emotion opened the doors for the guests to the vast world of Bulgarian music and culture.

After the concert, the guests of the event had the opportunity to enjoy a glass of Bulgarian wine and view the special photographic exhibition "Bulgaria from a Bird's Eye View", prepared by the State Institute for Culture of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The concert was realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Keywords March 3, Cpenhagen