Bulgarian participation in the first project of the EUNIC cluster in Pakistan - "Heritage Live - Music of Pakistan"


The first ever project of the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) Cluster in Pakistan - „Heritage Live - Music of Pakistan“ was successfully implemented in the period 22 - 29 May 2022. The project provided an opportunity to artists from eight EU Member states, including Bulgaria to co-create and produce music with indigenous musicians from Pakistan. The aim was to promote people-to-people contacts and inter-cultural dialogue, preserve Pakistan’s rich musical heritage and support talented artists from different areas of the country. Women and Afghan refugees were also among the participants.
„Heritage Live - Music of Pakistan“ culminated in collaborative live performances in Islamabad (28 May) and Lahore (29 May). The concert in Islamabad was attended by the Ambassadors of the participating EU Member states and other diplomats, as well as by representatives of Pakistan’s culture, art and music circles.
The talented Bulgarian kaval player Zhivko Vasilev impressed the audience with his musical improvisations and interesting experiments on the stage in collaboration with traditional Pakistani musicians and Afghan refugees.
„Heritage Live“ was organized by FACE Foundation - Pakistan in cooperation with the Embassies of Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, EU Delegation - Islamabad, and in partnership with various institutions, including the State Institute for Culture to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria.

During his visit to Islamabad, the talented musician took part in a musical event organized by the Bulgarian Embassy and dedicated to May 24 - Day of the Holy Brothers St. Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian education and culture, and of the Slavic literature. The event was attended by Pakistan Foreign Office officials, including Additional Secretary Europe Dr. Israr Hussain and Director General Foreign Service Academy Ambassador Zahid Nasrullah Khan, foreign Ambassadors and other members of the Diplomatic Corps in Islamabad, as well as Pakistani representatives of the culture and academic circles.