Women for Multilateralism


In November 2021, at the initiative of Gabon, the General Conference of UNESCO adopted a Resolution on the International Day of Women in Multilateralism, which was celebrated for the first time on 25 January 2022. 

On the occasion of this year's International Women's Day, the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva took part in the project "Women for Multilateralism", initiated by the Delegation of the European Union to the UN in Geneva and the Permanent Mission of Gabon. 

The project reflects the crucial role of women in contributing to multilateralism and to the common quest of humanity to promote human rights, sustainable development, peace and security. "Women for Multilateralism" features contemporary as well as historical female leaders from all across the world, from politicians, to peace negotiators and grass-root activists who work or have worked in a variety of fields, from sustainable development, to human rights and climate change. 

Three remarkable ladies from Bulgaria, committed to the ideal of a better world for us all, are part of this inspiring project. The three Bulgarian women included in the Women for Multilateralism project are: Genoveva Tisheva - Member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women from 2018; Kristalina Georgieva - Chief Executive Officer of the World Bank; and Sonya Yoncheva - world famous soprano and national Goodwill Ambassador of UNICEF in Bulgaria since November 2021.

A special website a social media campaign #women4multilateralism have been created for the initiative. 

The “Mur des Reformateurs” in Geneva, displaying the influence of Calvinism in the world, is seen as a symbol of patriarchal society, which is why it was chosen for the screening of the exhibition "Women for Multilateralism". The exhibition will be projected on the Wall of the Reformers ("Mur des Réformateurs") in Geneva from 8 to 10 March 2022 from 18:00 to midnight, as well as in the UN building in Vienna on March 8, 2022.