Alexander Shpatov is the Bulgarian Author in the "Europe Readr" Project of the Slovenian EU Presidency


Alexander Shpatov is the writer who represents Bulgaria in the project "Europe Readr", initiated by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU in the period July-December this year. It is a digital platform that, with the help of literature, raises current public issues for readers. The project under the motto "Open a book for a better future" is implemented in partnership with the networks of national cultural institutes and centers EUNIC in the EU and other non-European countries. One of its main objectives is to impose a new model of European cooperation in the field of culture, based on dialogue and promoting culture as a driver of sustainable development and social inclusion.

Bulgaria participates in "Europe Readr" with the collection of short urban stories "#Live from Sofia", whose author in 2015 was awarded the prize for literature of Sofia Municipality. The doctoral student in reading theory Al. Shpatov is also known as chairman of the Association of Small City Libraries in Bulgaria and a guide among the literary landmarks in the capital. Bulgaria's inclusion in the project was celebrated in September in Sofia on the occasion of the city's holiday. The event was marked by the idea of ​​shaping public places from Paris to Helsinki and from Washington to Beijing, whose visitors are encouraged to read and exchange views on the future.

Currently, the presidency's most significant promotional initiative is visiting the windows of one of Ljubljana's most famous shopping malls. Along with "#Live from Sofia", the works of other writers from the EU can also be seen there.

The website of "Europe Readr" provides free access to the work of Al. Shpatov in Bulgarian

(at: and translated into English

(at: There, fans of the writer will find a short review of the book by Georgi Gospodinov.



Keywords Europe Readr