Celebrations of the Day of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian Alphabet, Education and Culture and of Slavic Literature Begin in Prague


On May 11, 2021, the Bulgarian Embassy in the Czech Republic and the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Prague opened the celebrations in the Czech Republic on the Day of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture and Slavic literature. The documentary photo exhibition "Light of the Letters" will be presented. The exhibition was prepared by the Elena and Ivan Duychevi Foundation and provided by the State Institute of Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs.The creation of the Slavic alphabet in the middle of the ninth century was of key importance for the history of European culture. In the gallery of the institute, residents and guests of the Czech capital will be able to see the 24 boards with the most valuable decorated Bulgarian medieval manuscripts from the period X-XVIII century. All explanatory texts in the panel are available in Czech. The survival and preservation of the Slavic alphabet is associated with Bulgaria, which plays the role of "cradle" of the spiritual culture of the Slavic peoples.
The exhibition "Light of the Letters" can be viewed until June 16 in compliance with all anti-epidemic measures and controlled access.