The Visual and Poetic Route of "The Hidden Letters"


The State Institute of Culture to the Minister of Foreign Affairs is again a partner in the project for the installation of benches in the form of Cyrillic letters.

A new set of ‘benches-letters’, visual and poetic route, a completely new identity, travelling around different European cities, poetic anthology and 3D mapping are among the elements part of the initiative “The Hidden Letters” which will continue until the end of the year. 

In 2021 “The Hidden Letters” continues to explore and add connections between poetry, the city and typography. The new visual identity of the project, which connects these three lines, will be introduced into every detail of this year’s program. It will continue with the presentation of the new set of benches, which have been made of a durable material and designed by Kostadin Kokalanov. The installation is going to remain in front of the National library until 21st May, when it will be sent to Brussels. Afterwards, the ‘benches-letters’ initiative will be exhibited in Podgorica, Münster, Frankfurt and Edinburgh.


The Hidden Letters: A visual and poetic route