Presentation of the exhibition 'Orthodox' in Lisbon

The State Institute for Culture's exhibition "Orthodox" was presented in Lisbon at an event with which the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Portuguese capital is marking the 10th anniversary of Bulgaria's accession to the EU.

The event took place on the theme "Bulgaria and Portugal Partners in Europe - 10 Years of Bulgaria's Accession to the European Union" and took place in the ceremonial hall of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon.

Speeches to the audience were made by Ambassador Vassiliy Takev and Dean of the Faculty Professor Paulo Alberto, who expressed his fondness for Bulgaria and readiness to support the initiatives of the Bulgarian Embassy in Portugal. For his part, Ambassador Takev used the opportunity to encourage the Portuguese academic community to maintain and develop its interest in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian language, culture and traditions. He emphasised the importance of Bulgaria's membership of the EU, including in the context of the upcoming Bulgarian presidency, which it announced to the Portuguese academic community.

Guests of the event included representatives of the Portuguese academia, the leadership of the Lisbon University and the Bulgarian community in Lisbon.

The full text of Ambassador Takev's speech can be found in the attached document.