As part of the initiative "Strategic cooperation between Bulgaria and Norway in support of Bulgaria's international commitments to combat anti-Semitism and the preservation of Jewish heritage", the State Cultural Institute hold the second seminar program "Ambassadors of the initiative" in Kyustendil, May 12-14, 2023.


Young leaders of public opinion - journalists from the national media, representatives of the diplomatic service, and educational institutions - teachers and students were invited to participate.

In several discussion panels, the goals of the initiative, the preparation of the National Plan for countermeasures against manifestations of xenophobia and the preservation of Jewish heritage, the lessons from the events of the 1940s and the opposition to the planned deportation of Bulgarian Jews were presented.

Topics such as options for countering conspiracy theories and hate speech in the media and social platforms were also discussed. Ideas for implementation of communication strategies were explored, based on the example of the story of "persecution and salvation", for contemporary threats, inflamed xenophobia and anti-Semitism, for starting to value the story of the salvation of Jews compatriots in the years of the Holocaust as "citizen’s asset".

The program of the seminar includes a presentation on the city's memorials, related to the history of the Kyustendil delegation from March 1943, which shut down processes in the entire structure of the state and society in defense of the Jewish community.

Panel discussions were moderated by experts from the State Cultural Institute.

Highlights of the program for discussion

• Institutional framework - why the initiative is implemented in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National plan - scope and directions. Arguments for positioning Bulgaria internationally through the topic of the fate of Bulgarian Jews during the Holocaust. Bulgaria's participation in international organizations such as the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, other major forums and initiatives related to the protection of human rights.

• Project on the initiative of the State Cultural Institute - expansion of the toolkit of the diplomatic service with the argument on "soft power", which is the story of the salvation of the Bulgarian Jews.

• Documentary film "Dimitar Peshev – a biography" and a discussion on the specifics of the action of Kyustendil deputies and public officials in defense of the rights of our Jewish compatriots. The choice to raise the campaign on the political stage, relying on constitutional norms. How will this action changes the position of state institutions.

• Institutions of memory - visit and discussion in the House Museum "Dimitar Peshev". Details on the relationships in the small community, the decision for the action and the wider context of the geopolitical situation. Historical and contemporary context.

 • The most profitable strategy for education. Banalisation in the language of hatred. How to speak to the young generation behind the bright/painful pages of history.


• Discussion with historian Assoc. Angel Johnev on the newly published historical reading on the events of the 1940s. The lack of a homogeneous narrative prevents a full-value presentation of such an important story of the rescue as the one of the Bulgarian Jews.