State Archives Agency

State Archives Agency

The State Archives Agency has been a long-term partner in a number of projects by the State Institute for Culture. Many of the documentary exhibitions of the Institute, part of the project "Traveling Exhibitions", were realized with the help of the professionalism, expertise and competencies of the Agency's team.
In 2019, on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the Bulgarian diplomatic service, the State Institute for Culture and the State Archives Agency are working on two joint projects - the exhibition "Diplomacy and Art" with works of art from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a documentary exhibition telling the history of the diplomatic service.
A number of documentary exhibitions marking important bilateral diplomatic anniversaries are also part of our joint portfolio:
- 2009 and 2019 - anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Serbia;
- 2016 - "Bulgaria and Switzerland - together in history" - 100 years of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Switzerland;
- 2009 - 130 years of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Romania;
- 2009 - Exhibition dedicated to 85 years of Bulgarian-Lithuanian diplomatic relations, etc.
In 2008 the two state institutions partnered in presentations at the exhibition "Europe for Bulgaria", dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the Liberation of Bulgaria. The original name of the entire collection is: "Bulgarian lands from antiquity to the present day in atlases, maps, engravings and books from the collection of Dr. Simeon Simov."
The support that the State Institute for Culture receives from the State Archives Agency in the implementation of projects related to presentations and forums on the fate of Bulgarian Jews during the Holocaust is invaluable.