The exhibition covers the major periods and events in the life and work of Professor Shishmanov, his encounter with European culture, and his emergence as one of the first visionaries of United Europe. It was compiled to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great Bulgarian scientist, social and political figure Professor Ivan Shishmanov, in the year when Bulgaria celebrates five years of membership of the European Union.
The great “European” idea that became the creed of his entire life is comparable to that of the brightest minds and intellectual leaders of Europe. The significant presence of Shishmanov in the European cultural milieu is part of the contemporary spiritual and intellectual heritage of Europe.
The story of the life and work of Professor Shishmanov is a page in the history of United Europe, from the time when Schiller’s Song of the Bell could be an inspiration for a future of Europe desired by its brightest minds.
Professor Shishmanov’s legacy has writings that are relevant today and worth re-reading. And especially we, Bulgarians, are obliged to do so. That is because the call of Professor Shishmanov – a Europe of the soul and the heart is a lofty and still desirable ideal, but its covenants are required to work. We believe that this visual narrative will give us the momentum to continue to develop the pages of our history, to explore, and what is more important, to learn from the legacy of the first builders of a united Europe, among whom is a Bulgarian, Professor Ivan Shishmanov.
This is one of the goals of the State Cultural Institute in holding the exhibition, which was designed by Professor Roumyana Koneva.