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Presentation of the Mobile Exhibition "Bulgaria and Mosaics" in Prague


Between June 11 and 28, the latest mobile exhibition of the State Institute for Culture (SIC) "Bulgaria and Mosaics" will be presented in the gallery of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Prague. The exhibition was realized by the Balkan Heritage Foundation in 2023 in cooperation with a number of Bulgarian museums, non-profit organizations and specialists in the field of art studies and archeology and aims to present the rich and diverse mosaic heritage in Bulgaria through selected details from ancient, medieval and contemporary mosaics. The exhibition also presents Bulgaria's connection with the preservation, research and communication of the mosaic heritage in South-Eastern Europe.

The exhibition will also be open for visits within the Night of Museums, which will be held on June 15 in Prague.

The Balkan Heritage Foundation is a leading cultural organization dedicated to the study, preservation and education of cultural heritage in Bulgaria and the region. Established in 2008, the foundation actively operates in our country and in various countries such as Greece, Montenegro and the Republic of North Macedonia.

The exhibition "Bulgaria and Mosaics" includes two components: printed (in Bulgarian and English) and digital. The printed component consists of 26 panels, each equipped with a QR code that leads to a website presenting the digital part of the exhibition. The site includes information about the presented objects, their location on the map, the institutions/organizations thanks to which they are included in the exhibition and short popular science texts about the history, samples, problems and practices for the preservation of mosaic art in Bulgaria and the contribution of Bulgarian organizations in this direction.