The Mission Gallery News

The Mission Gallery News

The Mission Gallery Presented an Ecologically Themed Exhibition by The Artist Valentin Bakardjiev

The Mission Gallery Presented an Ecologically Themed Exhibition by The Artist Valentin Bakardjiev

On April 20, the "Indigo" exhibition of the Bulgarian artist Valentin Bakardjiev, who has been living and working in the Netherlands for years, was opened at the "Mission" gallery of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The exposition was created as a result of the author's creative searches related to the theme of the blue indigo color, which he used to visualize the idea of the interrelationship between the Blue Planet and us, its inhabitants. The opening...

The Mission Gallery Presents the Exhibition "Indigo" by Valentin Bakardjiev

The Mission Gallery Presents the Exhibition "Indigo" by Valentin Bakardjiev

At the Mission gallery from April 20 to May 4, Valentin Bakardjiev will present the "Indigo" exhibition, a result of the artist's creative search related to the theme of the blue indigo color. The color blue is the connecting element in the exhibition. For the artist it visualizes the idea of the interconnection between the Blue Planet and us, its inhabitants. At the same time, the installation "Indigo" is a connecting point that unites two main, large-scale projects of Valentin Bakardjiev Le...