The Mission Gallery News

Premiere of the Monographic Study "Marko Balabanov"


The State Institute for Culture of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, "Zachariy Stoyanov" Publishing House and the Union of Bulgarian Writers are organizing a presentation of the monographic study "Marko Balabanov" (2022), the work of Boyan Angelov - poet, literary critic, doctor of philosophy, social psychology and pedagogy. He is the author of more than 40 books in various genres, director of the "Bulgarian Writer" publishing house and chairman of the Union of Bulgarian Writers. 

The book was published in the "Duty and Honor" series of the ed. "Zachary Stoyanov", which includes more than 50 historical and biographical books about prominent historical figures. In the gallery of names-legends such as Khan Tervel, Tsar Simeon the Great, Tsar Samuil, Kliment Ohridski, Patriarch Euthymius, Paisius Hilendarski, Georgi S. Rakovski, Vasil Levski, Lyuben Karavelov, Stefan Stambolov, Prince Alexander Batemberg, Ivan Vazov, Yordan Yovkov, Pencho P. Slaveikov, Gotse Delchev and many other founders of the Bulgarian language, and Marko Balabanov. He is a remarkable lawyer, diplomat and publicist - one of the highly valued and deserving actors of the Bulgarian revival. The author Boyan Angelov analyzes not only the creative path of this outstanding intellectual and patriot, but also reveals the role of the Tsarigrad Bulgarians in the spiritual growth of the Fatherland. Born in Klisura, Marko Balabanov has a law degree from the Sorbonne in Paris, he is the founder of the revival magazine "Chitalishte" and a number of newspapers before and after the Liberation. He was the first minister of foreign affairs of the newly established Principality of Bulgaria, a diplomat, a member of parliament, and the chairman of the National Assembly. 

The book will be presented by a member-cor. Ivan Granitski, with the participation of the author Boyan Angelov and Mrs. Snezhana Joveva-Dimitrova - director of the State Institute for Culture.

Come on April 6 (Thursday) from 6:00 p.m. to the Mission Gallery, Sofia, 2 Alfred Nobel Street (entrance from "Al. Zhendov", opposite the official entrance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Entrance: free.

Keywords Marko Balabanov, book