The Mission Gallery News

An Exhibition of Contemporary Turkish Art was Opened at the Mission Gallery


On February 1, the collective exhibition "Traces of Contemporary Turkish Art" was opened at the Mission gallery of the State Institute for Culture under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It features artworks by contemporary Turkish artists that explore the theme of cultural heritage. The event is the first of a series of cultural initiatives in Bulgaria, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 2023.

The exhibition was officially opened by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kostadin Kodzhabashev with a welcome on behalf of Minister Nikolay Milkov, who emphasized: "The two countries are an example of traditionally good neighborly relations. Turkey is one of the leading foreign economic and trade partners of Bulgaria, as well as a strategic investor in our country. Between the two countries, there is a significant potential for further development in this area." H.E. Aylin Sekizök, Ambassador of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Sofia, expressed gratitude to the Ministry and the State Institute for Culture for the partnership and realization of this exhibition related to the celebration of the anniversary. The director of the institute, Snezhana Joveva-Dimitrova, as the host, expressed satisfaction with the excellent partnership with the Turkish diplomatic mission and that it is through art and culture that relations between neighbors develop. The speeches of some of the authors who arrived especially for the opening of the event were also exciting: Siret Huyak - an artist and one of the curators, Prof. Dr. Devrim Erbil - one of the most prominent contemporary Turkish artists, defined as a "poet of painting". Diplomats, MPs, artists, journalists and lovers of contemporary art were present in the crowded gallery.

The exhibition has been presented until now in various cities in Turkey under the more general title "Traces of Anatolian Civilizations". It features artworks by 32 contemporary Turkish artists with the coordination and curation of Turkish artists Meral Ozturk and Siret Huyak. In addition to painting, the exhibition also presents other forms of fine art, such as sculpture and ceramics.

Within the framework of the event, on February 3 at 10:30 a.m. in the "Mission" gallery, the famous Turkish artist Devrim Erbil will meet with the Bulgarian art circles in the framework of an open discussion on the development of contemporary Turkish art.

The authors participating in the exhibition are: Alaibey Karoglu, Aydin Ayan, Balkan Nations Islamieli, Berna Okan, Benjamin Balamir, Devabile Kara, Devrim Erbil, Ekrem Kahraman, Ergin Inan, Erol Kilic, Ertugrul Atesh, Gulten Imamoglu, Halil Akdeniz, Hasan Kiran, Hasan Ranstgeldi, Himmet Gyumra, Ihsan Cakici, Ilham Enveroglu, Ilhan Marasali, Kadir Kisinoglu, Kemal Uludag, Lutfu Kaplanoglu, Melihat Tuzun, Meral Ozturk, Mustafa Cevat Atalay, Mustafa Pilevneli, Mutlu Baskaya, Onder Aydin, Semih Buyukkol, Siret Huyak, Suleyman Saim Tekkan, Zahra Chobanli, Selma Shahin.

Keywords exhibition 2023