The Mission Gallery News

The exhibition "Printmaking in Samokov - Tradition and Modernity" Opens at the "Mission" Gallery



On October 11, at 6 p.m., at the "Mission" gallery, the exhibition "Printmaking in Samokov - Tradition and Modernity" will be opened, which presents part of the rich collection of the graphic base Samokov, founded in 1973 at the initiative of the Union of Bulgarian Artists. The collection is kept in the 19th century Esova House, which preserves the Bulgarian Renaissance architectural aesthetics.

The curator of the exhibition is Prof. Aksinia Dzurova, and it presents the work of the artists Radi Genev, Vasil Kolev, Emanuela Kovach, Onnik Karanfilyan, Lyudmil Georgiev and Milko Bozhkov. Through their work, they preserve traditional graphic techniques, but also chart the path of modern Bulgarian graphics. The event was realized with the financial support of the National Fund "Culture" and with the assistance of the municipality of Samokov and the Historical Museum in the city. The exhibition continues the mission of the Samokov graphic base to maintain and enrich its artistic fund. The curatorial text by Prof. Djurova is a kind of narrative about the high value of the works included in the exhibition, as well as the professionalism of the authors.

The exhibition can be viewed at the Mission Gallery until October 28, 2022, every weekday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.