The Mission Gallery News



On September 20, at 5:30 p.m., the "Bridges" exhibition was opened in the "Mission" gallery, presented on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Slovenia. The event was opened by the director of the State Institute for Culture, Snezhana Joveva-Dimitrova and the ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia, Hes Excellency Natasha Bergel. The guests had the opportunity to enjoy a special musical performance of authentic Slovenian and Bulgarian songs by the Slovenian harpist and singer Zvezdana Novakovic. The event was attended by official guests from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ambassadors from the countries of the Balkans and other countries in the EU, friends of Bulgarian-Slovenian relations.

Diplomatic relations were established on 18 August 1992, with the exchange of diplomatic notes. In 30 years there were more than 25 high level visits between the countries. The "Bridges" exhibition presents the main stages of the political relations between Bulgaria and Slovenia, points out important Slovenian-Bulgarian contacts in the 19th century and thematizes the cultural dialogue in the 20th century. Along with the connections made between artists through joint work in the field of theater, music and literature, the exhibition does not fail to note the traditions and customs that Bulgaria and Slovenia share. The natural wealth of the two countries is also in focus.

The exhibition can be viewed until October 7, 2022. The Mission Gallery is open to visitors every weekday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.