The Mission Gallery News




         On July 5, the book "Anthology of Mirages" was presented in the crowded hall of the "Mission" gallery of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The event brought together many diplomats, journalists, researchers and travelers, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the over 400-page edition, illustrated with nearly 1,000 author's photos, which collects all the dream trips in one volume.

        The book was presented by the director of the Institute, Mrs. Snezhana Joveva-Dimitrova, who greeted the guests and the authors, the compiler and the initiator of the bool, Mrs. Milena Dimitrova. Plamen Starev, secretary of ABUJET (Bulgarian Association of Journalists and Writers interested in tourism) took part in the presentation of the publication in more detail.

        The fifty travelogues collected in the anthology collect the stories of talented Bulgarian journalists and travelers, who describe the most impressive masterpieces of human genius and natural sights around the world - famous waterfalls, temples, towers, fortresses, cruises, art masterpieces, pyramids, monuments, fjords, coral reefs, ancient legends of eternal cities, turquoise shores, beaches and mirages that happened in reality. Some of the authors such as Milena Dimitrova, Sonya Alexieva from NBU, Boyka Asiova, Magdalena Gigova, Kamelia Ilieva and others attended the event in person and told the audience about the places that captivated and inspired them. Guests from Sofia University, New Bulgarian University, UNSS, diplomats - Georgi Ivanov - Honorary Consul of Bangladesh in Bulgaria, and representatives of the embassies of Romania, Egypt and Brazil in Bulgaria were present.

       The edition bears the logos of Knigomania publishing house and ABUJET (Bulgarian Association of Journalists and Writers with Interest in Tourism). In the foreword to the book, Milena Dimitrova writes: "Through the stories of the Bulgarian travel journalists, you empathize with their adventures as purely your experience. Without having to worry about uncomfortable transfers at airports in Africa and Latin America, you can hear the roar of Victoria and Iguazu Falls. You listen to how the biblical Jordan River flows right where Jesus Christ was baptized and where thousands of zealous Christians are immersed every day during the four seasons.

      This book saves suitcases, PCR tests, stops at stations and ports, delayed flights and the annoying ballast of every trip. However, it arms you with the immunity of a tourist, with memories of the cream of the world's sights, with self-confidence and mood".