The Mission Gallery News

Exhibition by Stella Sidi "Around the World in 270 Days" at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria



July - September 2021

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, lobby, ground floor

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Argentina and at the invitation of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs National Endowment Fund "13th Century Bulgaria" presents the exhibition "Around the World in 270 Days" by Stella Sidi at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria. The exhibition is part of the collection of NEF "13th Century Bulgaria". It was presented for the first time in 2019 under the patronage of Mrs. Iliana Yotova, Vice President of the Republic of Bulgaria, in the hall "Prof. Vasil Gerov” of the Fund.

The famous Argentine artist Stella Sidi was born in Bulgaria. Her family emigrated to Argentina when she was 3 years old. The 270-Day World Tour project is a visualized diary of the journey she, her mother, and father embarked on in 1941. Their route is to the East. From Sofia they leave for Varna and from there through Istanbul, Baghdad, Basra, Karachi and Bombay they reach Shanghai and Hong Kong. They sail to San Francisco. While travelling through the ocean Stella turns 4 years old. In 270 days they reach Chicago and New York. Eventually the family settles in Buenos Aires.

The exhibition includes 30 works that Stella Sidi created after she found the suitcases with which her parents arrived in Argentina, the notebook with black tarpaulin covers, in which her mother describes the trip in French. They are collages - a combination of archival family photos, original drawings and documents shown in the exhibition in the form of a photo panel.

On the YouTube channel of the Fund, the audience has the opportunity to see the movie "Around the World in 270 Days. From Bulgaria to Argentina ",

In it, Stella Sidi herself reads her mother's diary, translated from French into Spanish. This is an emotional story about the war, human destinies and a three-year-old girl who travels the world for 270 days. Especially for the exhibition, the film is dubbed in Bulgarian.

The initiative is part of the partnership between the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the National Endowment Fund "13th Century Bulgaria", which aims to promote the work of artists of Bulgarian origin abroad.


You can learn more about the activities of the Fund at: