The Mission Gallery News

The exhibition "Significant Women in History - from Bratislava to Ruse" Visits the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


The exhibition "Significant Women in History - from Bratislava to Ruse" aims to examine the role of women in the social, political, scientific and cultural world. She compares and at the same time unites the projects "Women in History" of the Regional History Museum in Ruse and the association "European Spaces 21" and the exhibition "The First Women" of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Sofia in cooperation with the civil association CHARAKTER - Film Development Association.

The Women in History project from Ruse sheds light on the hidden cultural heritage and shows places of memory important to the local community. The exhibition provides systematized information about the history of the women's movement, about characters in the history of Ruse from the XIX to the XXI century in various fields: culture, sports, business, civil rights, volunteering, ecology, and related places of memory. Both nationally significant personalities (Baba Tonka, Ekaterina Karavelova, Dimitrana Ivanova) and actresses, poets, sportswomen - more or less known to the audience are covered. 

For its part, the exhibition of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Sofia "The First Women" presents life stories of famous Slovaks, who became the first in various areas of public life. The successes of women are highlighted, important issues related to gender equality and the role of women in Slovak history are covered. At the same time, the exhibition reflects the contribution of the represented personalities to the development of science, culture and national identity.

 The presented project "Significant Women in History - from Bratislava to Ruse" connects the two concepts - from Bratislava to Ruse and shows the importance of the presence and role of women both regionally and nationally and internationally. The exhibition highlights emblematic images and achievements of women from the Bulgarian and Slovak communities and thus builds a bridge between the cultures of the two countries, while sending a common message of respect, equality, dialogue and historical memory.

 The initiative is implemented by the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and aims to focus on the role of women in public discourse, as well as to activate the representative space on the 7th floor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by visiting mobile (poster or photographic) exhibitions from diplomatic missions, cultural institutes, regional museums, galleries. The visit to the exhibition will take place after pre-registration on tel. 0886966416, due to the need to comply with epidemic measures.