The Mission Gallery News



On October 15, 2020 at the Mission gallery was opened a painting exhibition of the established contemporary Bulgarian artist, associate professor and doctor of art and fine arts at VTU "St. St. Cyril and Methodius ”in the town of Veliko Tarnovo - Marieta Konova.
The exposition with the poetic title "Yesterday", which is inspired by the song "Yesterday" by the Beatles from 1965, declared the best song in the history of mankind, is a chronological record of a series of meetings, travels, places that the author observes and seals in memories recreated through the means of painting.

The vernissage, which took place in compliance with all anti-epidemic measures for distance and disinfection, was attended by art critics, diplomats, artists and art connoisseurs, including sculptor Ivan Rusev and Bulgarian artist living in Berlin, Antonia Duende, professors and lecturers from the National Academy of Arts, Sofia and VTU "St. St. Cyril and Methodius ”, Veliko Tarnovo.

In her greeting, the director of the State Institute for Culture Mrs. Snezhana Yoveva noted that the event is part of the many in the program to mark the 15th anniversary of the institute, and the famous Bulgarian artist Nadezhda Kuteva presented the work of Mrs. Konova. "The style is somewhat reminiscent of the metal knitting of the architecture of the Secession, and reminiscent of the decorative precision of the miniatures of Nikolai Raynov. By consolidating shapes and strokes, Marietta achieves something new - a modern sense with well-organized contrasts, harmoniously filled planes and the sound of color, which is already easel. The plots are legible, the movement, the rhythm, the content of the outside world - taken to a new, poetic height. The seductive images of the Secession, the abundance of shapes and colors, the juxtaposition of image - nature, once out of stained glass and lithographs of the 20s (XX century), are transposed into new forms. Going beyond the dogmas and rules of "that time", M. Konova enters the aesthetics of a new, entirely modern painting. "- said Ms. Kuteva.

The exhibition can be visited at the Mission Gallery until October 30, Mon-Fri, 10:00-17:00.