The Mission Gallery News



September 15-25, 2020
Official opening: Tuesday, September 15, 18:00 – 19:30
The Mission gallery, State Institute for Culture at the
Minister of Foreign Affairs, 2 Alfred Nobel str., Sofia


The current exhibition is based on the book Bulgaria and Japan. Politics, Diplomacy, Personalities and Events which was published in May 2019 to commemorate the triple anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the two countries - 110 years since the beginning of official contacts (1909), 80 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations (1939) and 60 years since the reestablishment of diplomatic relations after their breaking at the end of World War II (1959).

The aim of this exhibition is to display visually the history of the relations between Japan and Bulgaria, which have extended over more than a century and encompass three socio-political systems in Bulgaria and four imperial eras in Japan. Among the exhibits are facsimiles of archival documents and a number of photographs from the state and diplomatic archives of Bulgaria and Japan, the Regional Military History Museum in Pleven, and many more official, academic and media sources and personal photo archives in both countries. Accompanied by short descriptions by the authors, the photographic and documental material sheds light on the bilateral relations on a state, governmental, business and civil levels and illustrates their separate stages of development in a thematic and chronological order in the context of the changing historical realities since the beginning of the 19th century to the present day. Along with facts and events, the exhibition introduces a number of Japanese and Bulgarian individuals who played important roles in the founding and continuous strengthening of the connection, exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.


The exhibition is a part of the 31st Days of Japanese Culture in Bulgaria.
The exhibition will be displayed between 15.09.2020 and 25.09.2020 at The Mission Gallery according to all regulations regarding social distancing and disinfection.

Authors: Vera Vutova – Stefanova and Assoc. Prof. Evgeniy Kandilarov
With the support of: Embassy of Japan in Bulgaria; State Institute for Culture at the Minister of Foreign Affairs; Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Design, layout and print: Vasil Indzhev, “Obelisk Design” Ltd.