The Mission Gallery News

Photo exhibition at the Mission Gallery on the Occasion of the International Day against Nuclear Tests


On the eve of August 29 - International Day against Nuclear Tests, at the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Bulgaria was opened a photo exhibition dedicated to the struggle for a world without nuclear weapons.
On a proposal from the Republic of Kazakhstan, the UN General Assembly, by resolution № 64/35 of 2 December 2009, declared 29 August the International Day for Action against Nuclear Tests.
For several decades, Kazakhstan, as a Soviet republic, has been a place for testing nuclear weapons. About one and a half million Kazakhs have suffered from various diseases such as cancer and physical deformities, which continue to be passed on to new generations. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan inherited the Soviet nuclear arsenal and became the world's fourth largest nuclear power. But in 1991, Kazakhstan unilaterally disarmed and became the first country in the world to close the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site and voluntarily give up nuclear weapons. Today, Kazakhstan is one of the world leaders in the fight for a world without nuclear weapons.
The official opening at the Mission Gallery (Sofia, 2 Alfred Nobel Street) was attended by officials and guests, including the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Bulgaria - HE Temirtai Izbastin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs - Milen Lyutskanov, Mrs. Snezhana Yoveva - Dimitrova - Director of the State Institute for Culture, who greeted the guests with introductory speeches. Among those present were also the Military Attaché of Ukraine, the Attaché for Financial Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Third Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the First Secretary for Cultural Affairs of the Embassy of the Russian Federation, the Member of Parliament Spas Panchev and others.
The photo exhibition is held with the support of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria and can be visited at the "Mission" gallery every work day until 9.09.2020 between 10 am and 5 pm in compliance with all measures for distance and disinfection.