The Mission Gallery News

Opening of an Exhibition of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Mission Gallery


An exhibition dedicated to two of the most remarkable Kazakh philosophers, Abai Kunanbayev and Al-Farabi, was opened on August 3 at the Mission Gallery of the State Institute for Culture at the initiative of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Sofia.
     Greetings to the guests were sent by the Director of the State Institute Mrs. Snezhana Yoveva - Dimitrova, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Milen Lyutskanov and Mr. Hristo Polendakov Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. H.E. Temirtai Izbastin, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Bulgaria acquainted the audience with the achievements of the two philosophers, emphasizing the strong cultural ties between our countries, part of which is the Bulgarian-Kazakh Training Center in Sofia.
     The exhibition can be viewed until August 14 in compliance with all measures for distance and disinfection.