The Mission Gallery News

The Mission Gallery re-opens after the Isolation With a Collective Exhibition "New Message"


The artists Branko Nikolov, Emanuela Kovach, Veselin Damyanov-Ves, Vasil Kolev - Vassillo and Lyudmil Georgiev, selected by Grafikart Gallery, visit the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Vernissage - June 16 (Tuesday) from 17:00 to 19:00
Mission Gallery, Sofia, 2 Alfred Nobel Str.

The exhibition "NEW MESSAGE" focuses on the topic of the increasingly dynamic process of migration and alienation in the communication in the modern globalised world. A process that in recent months has been painfully recalled. Today, communication between people is more and more indirect - through social platforms, smartphones and a number of other digital tools. We constantly receive a "new message" - in your mail, with applications such as Viber, WhatsApp, on your messenger. The new message mediates the communication between us, and live contact becomes more and more a mirage. It remains an unshared experience. And all this, seemingly paradoxically, unfolds against the background of extreme migration - the displacement of cultural and socio-political spaces, of people and communities, of meaning, of content, of ethical and moral boundaries.

The exhibition is a kind of commentary and creative experience in response to this way of unfolding of existence, of the communication between us, of our contact with the world of art. Just as a word play, the exhibition is a specific new message, inviting and tempting, through works made by means of various graphic techniques, to try to return to the classical forms of communication, where there are real emotions.

The exhibition includes works by several prominent contemporary Bulgarian graphic artists - Branko Nikolov, Emanuela Kovach, Veselin Damyanov-Ves, Vasil Kolev - Vassillo, Lyudmil Georgiev. Curator: Plamen Petrov.

Visits to the Mission Gallery are carried out in compliance with all anti-epidemiological rules and distance.

The exhibition "New Message" is the first joint initiative of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Grafikart Gallery at the Association "Culture, Sports and Health ML" and is part of the Institute's initiatives on the occasion of 15 years since its establishment in 2005.