Participation of the Director of the State Institute For Culture in the General Assembly of EUNIC

Participation of the Director of the State Institute For Culture in the General Assembly of EUNIC

In the period June 29-30, 2023, the director of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs Snezhana Joveva-Dimitrova took part in the general meeting of the board of directors of EUNIC - Network of Cultural Institutes in the EU, which took place at the Danish Cultural Institute in Copenhagen . The State Institute for Culture has been a full member of EUNIC since June 2021 and since then regularly participates in the annual meetings, where important topics for the...

Bulgarian Participation in the Copenhagen Guitar Festival

Bulgarian Participation in the Copenhagen Guitar Festival

  The ninth edition of the Guitar Festival was held in Copenhagen on August 8-14, 2021. The edition was closed with a concert by the trio "Ralchenitsa", consisting of Petar Ralchev - accordion, Mie Ogura (Japan) - flute and Atanas Urkuzunov - guitar. This was the second consecutive participation of the trio in the festival and was again greeted with great interest by both the Danish audience and the Bulgarian community. The presented original compositions, inspired by the Bulgarian...