An exhibition of Аtanas Hranov and Alexander Sekoulov was opened in The Ministry of Foreign Affairs


An exhibition of Atanas Hranov, artist, and Alexander Sekoulov, author, both from the city of Plovdiv, was opened on July 28, 2008 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The exhibition entitled „The Sailing City and the Black Pepper Men” features nine digitally processed works, sized 150/200 cm (60/80 in.), comprising pictures and stories.

The exhibition was commissioned by the State Institute of Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the institute’s ambition being to also send the exhibition abroad as part of the “Traveling Exhibitions” Programme. A special edition in English has also been prepared containing reproductions of paintings by Atanas Hranov and stories by Alexander Sekoulov. Part of the stories included in the exhibition are featured in a novel entitled „Love Sentences Collector”, which is one of the six books nominated for the “Novel of the Year” Award of the Vick Foundation.

Hranov and Sekoulov’s „The Sailing City and the Black Pepper Men” exhibition tells the travel stories of a sailing city. Sometimes the city is called Valparaiso, sometimes it is Istanbul, it is Thessaloniki on many occasions, yet it may also be Dubrovnik, Genoa, Lisbon, and why not Plovdiv, Venice, Tbilisi, Marrakesh… Each time three couples from the city have a fit caused by requited love, its inhabitants turn into shadows and need to sail away with their homes and stay away until at least one of the couples is cured of the disease and learns to take love without constantly contemplating suicide.