International festival


During the international festival "DOKUFEST" which took place in the city of Prizren, Kosovo between 07 and 15 of July, the final part of the Balkan Documentary Center travelling seminar “Discoveries 2012” (BDC “Discoveries 2012”) was carried out. The course designed for emerging film directors and producers is held annually in Sofia, Skopje and Prizren. A partner in this initiative is the State Institute for Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria. The international jury included representatives from Germany, USA, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria and Kosovo. It was headed by renowned Bulgarian producer and director of the BDC Martichka Bozhilova. Seven were the nominated documentary film projects, proposed by teams from Cyprus, Greece, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, and Bulgaria. The film projects "Documentary" (Bulgaria, autors Irina Perianova and Svetoslav Draganov), "They called them Jazz" (Greece, Marineta Kritiku and Yota Skuvara), and "Valia the translator" (Serbia, Iva Baldar and Yovana Papovic) were chosen to participate in the coming festival for film projects in Leipzig, Germany. At the closing ceremony the ambassador of Bulgaria in Kosovo Bobby Bobev talked about the role and responsibility of the artists of our region as people that promote cooperation. He bestowed the prize of the State Institute for Culture on the developers of the film project "They called them Jazz".