„The Cyrillic alphabet” exhibition was presented in Banya Luca

The painting exhibition ‘The Cyrillic Alphabet” was introduced to the public on 28 May 2008 in Banya Luca, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The collection of 30 works of 30 artists from Plovdiv was arranged at the Museum of the Republic of Srabska by the curator Slavka Mirosavlievich

She stressed on the fact that “the Cyrillic alphabet is nowadays used by more than 220 million people in Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and more than 60 million people in Central Asia which use it for their non-Slavonic languages.”,

In his speech for the opening of the exhibition, the Bulgarian Ambassador in Sarajevo Andrey Transki said that the exhibition “expresses an important idea which marks the role of the Cyrlillic alphabet in the world civilization and culture”.

„The Cyrillic Alphabet” can be seen in Banya Luca for the coming ten days after which it will be moved to Ankara.