The “Europe for Bulgaria” exhibition was opened in Edirne

The “Europe for Bulgaria” exhibition organized by the Institute for Culture was opened on 21 March 2008 at the rectorate of the Thracian University in Edirne. The event was part of the General Consulate’s initiatives for celebrating 24 May - the Day of Bulgarian culture, and was kindly hosted by the Dean of the Thracian University of Edirne Prof. Dr. Enver Duran.

In his welcome speech Mr. Angel Angelov, General Consular, underlined the centuries-long traditions of the Bulgarian state and its contribution to European and world culture. He expressed his special gratitude to the governing body of the Thracian University for the successful partnership and dialogue in the delivery of joint projects.

The exhibition was organized by the General Consulate in Edirne and the Institute for Cultrue within the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Representatives of the academic society, local intellectuals, diplomats and representatives of the Bulgarian community attended the opening.

The exhibition of old geographical maps of famous European map-makers and travelers from the collection of Dr. Simeon Simov attracted the interest of the guests and the media.