“The Cyrillic Alphabet” exhibition in Madrid


Ambassador Hristov stressed in his speech on the historical significance and socio-cultural role of the development of the Slavic alphabet and the work of Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius which are celebrated every 24 May. The Cyrillic alphabet is the unique Bulgarian contribution to the world’s cultural heritage and now for a year to the large European community. <!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } H3 { margin-top: 0.49cm; margin-bottom: 0.49cm; page-break-after: auto } H3.western { font-family: "Times New Roman", serif; font-size: 13pt } H3.cjk { font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode"; font-size: 13pt } H3.ctl { font-family: "Tahoma"; font-size: 13pt } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> The “Retiro” underground station was transformed into a Bulgarian territory for a week as the exhibition hall of one of the central underground stations of the Spanish capital hosted “The Cyrillic Alphabet” exhibition. Its opening took place on 7 May and the Bulgarian Ambassador in the Spain Ivan Hristov and Antonio Gonzales Terol, Executive Director on European Affairs at the Government of the Madrid Region welcomed visitors. The event marked the beginning of the diverse programme prepared and delivered by the regional government for making the Day of Europe, 9 May the Week of Europe (7 – 15 April) in Madrid. Therefore the exhibition is featured in the active media campaign and coverage from it – even before the opening – was shown on TVE 1 and other two regional TV chanels and published in the printed media.

Mr. Hristov expressed gratitude to the local administration and “Metro de Madrid” company for delivering the original idea of displaying poly-vinyl folios with images of Bulgarian sights at the underground station and this way attracting additional attention to the exhibition and Bulgaria in general.

For the period of its opening from 7 till 18 May the exhibition has been seen by an average of 150 people daily. Information about it was featured in a report of the Telemadrid TV chanel, several online news portals and printed newspapers.

The cooperation of the Bulgarian Embassy in Madrid on this event was initiated in line with the Communication strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.