Exposition on the Occasion of Commencement of the Hungarian Presidency of EU



The exposition is a collection of richly illustrated posters, aiming at displaying in synthesised way all there is worth knowing about Hungary and the Hungarians of today. Each part of the sequence of exhibits represents a significant aspect of the image of this Central-European country – culture, history and natural recourses. The essential information and the chronology of the changing history of Hungary are provided. The photographs relate to the natural resources – abundance of thermal spas and the Danube Region Strategy, which will be an important priority for the Hungarian presidency of EU. There is a lot of emphasis on the development of science in Hungary and the pride of the country in the great number of inventions and inventors of Hungarian origin, in the scientific and technical achievements. Regardless of the fact that Hungarian language cannot boast worldwide use, the contribution of the Hungarian literature is underlined – poetry, prose, drama and the variety of outstanding authors in the different epochs and styles. Music and dances are also an integral part of the Hungarian cultural heritage and identity – remember Ferencz Liszt, Béla Bartók and the popular folkdances. The exposition commemorates as well masterpieces of painting, represented by the names of Mihai Munkàcsy and Bertalan Székely. The folk-art is depicted by the tracing of national traditions, still an everyday experience in the life of the Hungarians. The sport achievements of the Hungarian athletes are expressed as part of the ordinary human being’s striving for success. The exhibition is organised by the National Institute for Culture with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Sofia. The opening day is on 11 January 2011, at 06:00 pm, in The Misiyata Gallery at 2, Alfred Nobel St. (opposite the main entrance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and will continue until 16 January 2011.