Graphic art exhibition by Ivan Ninov in Macedonia



On 30 November 2010, the Bulgarian graphic artist Ivan Ninov opened a graphics exhibition in the Army House of the Republic of Macedonia.

On 30 November 2010, the Bulgarian graphic artist Ivan Ninov opened a graphics exhibition in the Army House of the Republic of Macedonia.

The exhibition was organised in the framework of the Agreement for Co-operation between the Union of Bulgarian Artists and the Artists’ Association of the Republic of Macedonia.

The President of the Artists’ Association of the Republic of Macedonia Mrs. Tania Balach introduced the Bulgarian guest, and Prof. Dimitar Malidanov, former Dean of the Department of Fine Arts at the University “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, spoke of the artist’s works of art.

The opening of the exhibition, which ranks amongst the major cultural events in Skopje, received a vast coverage in the media.

The event was honoured by the presence of eminent guests, among whom there were prominent representatives of the artistic circles of the Republic of Macedonia, H.E. Mr. Rakovski Lashev, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr. Dimiter Christov, Director of the Bulgarian Cultural Information Centre, and members of the diplomatic corps.