Concert of the Sofia Soloists Chamber Orchestra in London

On 26 November 2010, the Sofia Soloists Chamber Orchestra performed at a gala concert, which was part of the closing musical programme of the London Festival of Bulgarian Culture. The Sofia Soloists performed with the special participation of Vania Vatralova-Stankov, soprano, Kristine Blaumane, violoncello, and Ivo Stankov, violin.

The concert enjoyed a full house at the St. James's Piccadilly. It featured the premieres of the piece “I Kneel before You” by Parashkev Hadjiev, one of the most eminent Bulgarian composers, and of the “Sunny Triptych” by the young Bulgarian composer Dobrinka Tabakova. The central part of the concert programme was the world premiere of the work “In the Silence of Turned Earth” by Gwyn Pritchard. The work was specially commissioned by the London Festival of Bulgarian Culture.

In his address on this occasion, Ambassador Lyubomir Kyuchukov emphasised that the London Festival of Bulgarian Culture had eminently presented Bulgaria’s culture, its traditions and contemporary developments in the art of music before a foreign audience, and that it had broadened the circle of friends and admirers of our national art.