World Capital of Stage Poster

The partners of the State Institute for Culture with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the International Triennial of Stage Poster and METROPOLIS subscribed to the “Sofia Breathes” idea, which was put forward by Deputy Mayor Hristo Angelichin, by installing the biggest stage poster installed in Sofia ever, and dedicated to a cultural event. Yesterday, the enormous signboard bearing the motto “Sofia: World Capital of Stage Poster” was mounted in the beginning of Shishman Street (on the blank wall, next to the building of the “A. S. Pushkin” school). Today, more than ever before, it is worth remembering the words that the great Bulgarian fiction writer Yordan Radichkov wrote on the first edition of the Triennial in 1995: “LIZARD ON THE RUINS OF A THEATRE” We should not worry so much about where stage posters live, what they eat, or how they reproduce, but we should welcome them whenever they appear among us. For surrounded by the intrusive, unscrupulous and mass marketing of politicians, condoms (for safe sex) and women’s sanitary towels, stage posters come to us to recall something that is extremely important. A stage poster is like a lizard crawling on top of the ruins of a theatre to remind us that there is life left in these ruins. Ruins are the natural surroundings of lizards, They are the lizard’s habitat.” YORDAN RADICHKOV THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL TRIENNIAL OF STAGE POSTER 2010, SOFIA Is held under the patronage of Mrs Jordanka Fandakova, from 11th October to 5th November 2010; SOFIA, EXHIBITION CENTRE OF THE UNION OF BULGARIAN ARTISTS, SHIPKA STREET 6 Organiser: the INTERNATIONAL TRIENNIAL OF STAGE POSTER ASSOCIATION In partnership with Sofia Municipality, Union of Bulgarian Artists, State Institute for Culture with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Polish Institute, L’Institut français, the Servantes Institute SOFIA: WORLD CAPITAL OF STAGE POSTER MORE THAN 480 POSTERS / OVER 300 AUTHORS / 49 PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES FROM ALL THE CONTINENTS From 11 October to 5 November 2010, the Sixth International Triennial of Stage Poster will take place for the first time in all exhibition halls of the Exhibition Centre of the Union of Bulgarian Artists at 6, SHIPKA STREET, SOFIA. Since its first appearance, the Triennial has become one of the major and most influential international exhibitions in the area of visual arts, and it is the only international event of its kind focusing on stage poster. The Triennial’s background covers more than 90 actions, international projects, exhibitions in Bulgaria and in more than 50 towns throughout the world. Opening: 11 October 2010; official opening and award ceremony: 18:00 hr The event includes: 1. Collection of six International Triennials of Stage Poster (ITSP): Worldwide panorama of the best achievements in the area of posters comprising a vast diversity of contemporary and classical stage and scenic forms created in the past three years or related to the topics of the Triennial: “The Theatre, It’s me” and “Gogol and the Stage”. 2. “The Theatre, It’s me”: International virtual poster action organised jointly with the French Cultural Institute in Sofia. Collection of 30 posters created by prominent artists form all over the world on a special invitation by the organisers of the Triennial; 3. “Voices of Freedom”: International collection of posters dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the independence of Hispanic America, a project for the 11th International Biennial of Poster, Mexico 2010. The series includes 111 works created by some of the most distinguished authors in the area of poster. Partners: Trama Visual (Mexico) and the Servantes Institute (Sofia), European premiere; 4. “200 Years of Chopin”: Poster collection including selected and awarded posters from the national poster competition on the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Polish composer. The event is organised jointly with the Polish Institute in Sofia. Premiere for Sofia; 5. Exhibition of works by the members of the international jury: Lech Majewski (Poland), Michel Bouvet (France), Pekka Loiri (Finland), Bojidar Ikonomov and Bojidar Ionov (Bulgaria) Organising Committee: Bojidar Ikonomov (President), Prof. Bojidar Ionov, Albena Spasova SOFIA: WORLD CAPITAL OF STAGE POSTER MORE THAN 480 POSTERS / OVER 300 AUTHORS / 49 PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES FROM ALL THE CONTINENTS From 11 October to 5 November 2010, the Sixth International Triennial of Stage Poster will take place for the first time in all exhibition halls of the Exhibition Centre of the Union of Bulgarian Artists at 6, SHIPKA STREET, SOFIA. Since its first appearance, the Triennial has become one of the major and most influential international exhibitions in the area of visual arts, and it is the only international event of its kind focusing on stage poster. The Triennial’s background covers more than 90 actions, international projects, exhibitions in Bulgaria and in more than 50 towns throughout the world. Opening: 11 October 2010; official opening and award ceremony: 18:00 hr The event includes: 1. Collection of six International Triennials of Stage Poster (ITSP): Worldwide panorama of the best achievements in the area of posters comprising a vast diversity of contemporary and classical stage and scenic forms created in the past three years or related to the topics of the Triennial: “The Theatre, It’s me” and “Gogol and the Stage”. 2. “The Theatre, It’s me”: International virtual poster action organised jointly with the French Cultural Institute in Sofia. Collection of 30 posters created by prominent artists form all over the world on a special invitation by the organisers of the Triennial; 3. “Voices of Freedom”: International collection of posters dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the independence of Hispanic America, a project for the 11th International Biennial of Poster, Mexico 2010. The series includes 111 works created by some of the most distinguished authors in the area of poster. Partners: Trama Visual (Mexico) and the Servantes Institute (Sofia), European premiere; 4. “200 Years of Chopin”: Poster collection including selected and awarded posters from the national poster competition on the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Polish composer. The event is organised jointly with the Polish Institute in Sofia. Premiere for Sofia; 5. Exhibition of works by the members of the international jury: Lech Majewski (Poland), Michel Bouvet (France), Pekka Loiri (Finland), Bojidar Ikonomov and Bojidar Ionov (Bulgaria) Organising Committee: Bojidar Ikonomov (President), Prof. Bojidar Ionov, Albena Spasova