The State Institute for Culture Took Part in the General Assembly of EUNIC Global in Brussels


On June 19-20,  2024, the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs took part in the regular General Assembly of EUNIC Global (EU National Institutes for Culture), which was held in Bucharest, Romania, marking a significant moment for the organization as it navigates the evolving landscape of international cultural relations. The assembly brought together key figures from various cultural institutes to discuss leadership changes, strategic frameworks, and the impact of global geopolitics on cultural diplomacy.

One of the pivotal moments of the assembly was the leadership transition. Camilla Mordhorst from the Danish Cultural Institute handed over the EUNIC Presidency to Liviu Jicman of the Romanian Cultural Institute. This transition signifies a new chapter for EUNIC, with Jicman poised to steer the organization through the complexities of modern cultural diplomacy. Additionally, the assembly elected Kirsten van den Hul from DutchCulture as the new Vice President, alongside Hanna Lämsä from the Finnish Cultural and Academic Institutes and Mary Ann Cauchi from Arts Council Malta, who joined the EUNIC Board of Directors.

The assembly reviewed the post-2024 Strategic Framework, set for final approval in December 2024. This framework is expected to address the challenges and opportunities faced by European cultural institutes in a rapidly changing geopolitical environment.

A presentation on the study "New Geopolitics, Soft Power, and International Cultural Relations" emphasized the critical role of European cultural institutes in adapting to changing geopolitical realities. The study called for continued investment in international cultural relations to maintain and enhance Europe’s cultural influence globally.

A significant portion of the discussions focused on the impact of global geopolitics on cultural relations. Contributions from Sergiu Prodan, Minister of Culture of Moldova, and Volodymyr Sheiko, Director General of the Ukrainian Institute, highlighted the pressing need for cultural diplomacy in the face of geopolitical tensions, such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine and shifting dynamics between global powers.

The ongoing collaboration with the Ukrainian Institute was highlighted as a key aspect of EUNIC’s efforts to support cultural resilience in the region. Discussions included avenues for support and joint projects, underscoring the importance of solidarity and cooperation.

Insights from Moldova's Minister of Culture provided a deeper understanding of the country’s cultural priorities and its EU integration process, further enriching the assembly’s discussions.

Two new Knowledge Sharing Workshops were approved during the assembly: one aimed at developing decolonial perspectives on Ukraine’s cultural heritage and another focused on climate action. These workshops represent EUNIC's commitment to addressing contemporary issues through cultural diplomacy and collaboration.Updates on core EUNIC projects were also shared, including research on Cultural Relations and Climate Action, the European Spaces of Culture initiative, and the EUNIC Mobility Scheme. These projects underscore EUNIC's dedication to fostering cultural exchange and sustainable development.

Keywords EUNIC, EUNIC Global