Screening of The Documentary Film About Alzek Misheff "Flying with Fins" and a Discussion at New Bulgarian University


On June 7, 2024 at 6 p.m. in Building 1, New Bulgarian University (NBU) Hall, there will be a screening of the documentary film "Flying with Fins" and a subsequent discussion dedicated to the outstanding artist Alzek Misheff. The organizers of the event are the NBU and the State Institute for Culture at the Minister of Foreign Affairs (SIC).

The film "Flying with Fins", with producers Agitprop and Marticka Bozhilova and director Maria Averina, tells about the constant search for meaning in art and life. Artist Alzek Misheff, rebel and experimenter, leads us on this philosophical and aesthetic journey through time, space and ideas. The film includes paintings, performances, experiments and electronic music, sounding in the spaces of two old houses in a small Italian town, as well as touching meetings with the closest people and places in Bulgaria after 50 years of separation.

Participants in the discussion will be Vladimir Dimitrov, assistant professor, who will share his expert knowledge on the work of Alzek Misheff. The director of the film, Mrs. Maria Averina, will talk about her work and the process of creating the documentary "Flying with Fins", and Mrs. Snezhana Joveva-Dimitrova, director of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs, will also take part in the discussion, presenting the cultural context and significance of Alzek Misheff 's art for the Bulgarian cultural scene.

The film and the discussion offer a unique opportunity to get to know the life and work of Alzek Misheff - an artist who bravely seeks freedom in his creative pursuits. Alzek Misheff began his creative journey in the 1960s in communist Bulgaria, where abstractionism for him was a symbol of freedom. In 1971, he left Bulgaria and settled in Italy, where he became one of the brightest representatives of performative art in the 1970s and 1980s. In 2023, the film was awarded the Best Bulgarian Documentary Award at the Master of Art Film Festival.