The Exhibition "Words - Windows / Wörter als Fenster" Celebrates Spiritual Growth through the Power of Words


On May 27, the exhibition "Words - windows / Wörter als Fenster" by the German artist Wolfgang Nieblich and the Bulgarian-German artist Antonia Duende was opened in the "Mission" gallery. The event is organized by the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs in partnership with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany on the occasion of the holiday of Bulgarian education and culture and Slavic writing - May 24.

The opening of the exhibition took place with the participation of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany in Sofia - H.E. Irene Maria Plank, who delivered congratulatory words. The director of the State Institute for Culture - Mrs. Snezhana Joveva-Dimitrova, for her part, emphasized that words are windows to the world. The event was also attended by the director of the Goethe Institute-Bulgaria - Dr. Kirsten Hackenbroch, former Bulgarian ambassadors in Berlin - Mrs. Elena Shekerletova and Mrs. Meglena Plugchieva, as well as H.E. Mr. Sanjay Rana – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Republic of Bulgaria. The concept of the exhibition was presented in detail and competently by the famous graphic designer and art critic Prof. Spartak Paskalevsky. The event attracted many guests, artists and connoisseurs of contemporary art.

The two authors in the exhibition are united by their long-standing use of written signs and fragments of texts. Their paintings create multi-layered associations.

Wolfgang Nieblich has been exploring the interaction between type and picture since 1985. It introduces the "Word Pictures" cycle, where text can trigger the creation of a picture and vice versa. His other cycle, "Zipper Paintings," features works that can be viewed both open and closed, hiding a secret and providing different perspectives to the viewer's imagination.

Antonia Duende's interest in texts and symbols arose in 2005 when she discovered the Baška tablet in Berlin. She began the cycle "Glagolic Traces" using frottage and watercolour. She subsequently added other code systems and symbols, such as sheet music and ancient sacred signs, creating a dialogue between different cultures. Her works from the series "Word Islands" and "Tower of Babel", presented in the exhibition, are a metaphor for spiritual growth through the power of words.

The exhibition can be visited until June 14, 2024 in the Mission Gallery.